Staff Office Area Drawing by Yadea
本次设计是以时尚办公空间的概念为基础,白色墙体,白色吊灯,白色Eames Office Chair办公椅,搭配雅帝设计的原木色台时尚办公桌,突出主题色调和办公空间的轻松严肃的氛围,不失大气,公司员工年轻、思维活跃、富有朝气的特性和企业文化的展现,设计风格定位为后现代主义,强调创新设计,创造一种感性与理性、传统与现代、溶于一体的空间形象。
This design is based on the concept fashion office space, white all, white drop light, white Eames Office chair, and match with solid wooden fashion office desk (designed by Yadea), highlighted the theme color and relaxed and serious atmosphere of office, young staffs, active thinking and vigorous character, and shows the enterprise culture. It is postmodernism design style, emphasize on creation of design idea, and create a space image combined emotion and reason, traditional and modern.
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